Find out more about the CIAP Clinical Champions program.

CIAP Clinical Champions are clinicians and other health professionals who are willing to advise and support their colleagues in the use and understanding of CIAP, with the aim of fostering evidence-based practice.

To contact your local CIAP Clinical Champion, please use the email details listed below.

If you are interested in becoming a CIAP Clinical Champion, please see the FAQ’s at the top of this page or contact the CIAP team.

Find a Clinical Champion in your LHD

Ambulance Service of NSW

Central Coast

Far West

Hunter New England

All Hunter New England LHD

Sally Milson-Hawke - Nurse Manager- Workforce - HNE Nursing and Midwifery Services

Natasha Perry - Allied Health District Clinical Leader; Psychologist; Conjoint Lecturer

Sinead Redman - Nurse Manager, Child and Family Health Nursing Service, Greater Newcastle

Amanda Walla - Speech Pathologist - Children, Young People and Families

Felicity Williams - Nurse Manager Professional Development

Armidale Rural Referral Hospital

Julian Betts - Endorsed Enrolled Nurse

Shannan Bourke - CNE, CNS / Credentialled Diabetes

Kiera Fischer - Clinical Nurse Specialist - Care Coordinator

Baeho Joo - Physiotherapist

Angela Miller - Health Service Educator

Barraba Multi Purpose Service

Cathy Stein - Site Manager

Belmont Hospital

Sarah James - Occupational Therapist

Calvary Mater Newcastle

Sherman Berry - Pharmacist - Mental Health

Fern Beschi - Clinical Pharmacist - Palliative Care

Jacinta Carr - Acting Learning and Development Coordinator/ ED CNUM

Casey Hutchinson - Clinical Nurse Educator- Oncology/Haematology

Emma McNamara - Clinical Nurse Educator, Palliative Care, Calvary Mater Hospice

Jacquie Ruhl - Clinical Nurse Specialist, Oncology, Day Treatment

HealthOne Quirindi

Irene Neyle - Registered Nurse

James Fletcher Campus

Melisa Grujovski - Clinical Nurse Educator, Nursing and Midwifery Services

Jennifer Ormsby - Nurse Manager for Policy & Practice

John Hunter Children's Hospital

Megan Brown - Acting Paediatric Clinical Nurse Educator

John Hunter Hospital

Mira Britton - Registered Nurse

Stacey Hall - Clinical Nurse Specialist

Martin O’Neill - Physiotherapist

Angel Parra - Registered Nurse - Radiology

Anne Vertigan - Service Manager Speech Pathology

Maitland Hospital

Megan Brown - Paediatric Clinical Nurse Educator

Rebecca White - Clinical Nurse Unit Manager

Morisset Psychiatric Hospital

Sandra Smith - Clinical Nurse Educator

Tablelands Sector

Elizabeth Kemp - Mental Health Service

Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital

Rebecca Johnson - CNS, Paediatrics

Emma Price - SRMO

Tenterfield Community Mental Health

Julie Newman - Registered Nurse

Illawarra Shoalhaven

Justice & Forensic Mental Health Network

Mid North Coast


Nepean Blue Mountains

Northern NSW

Northern Sydney


South Eastern Sydney

South Western Sydney

Southern NSW


The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

Western NSW

Western Sydney